A better for you version of the classic favorite banana walnut muffins. Whip up these healthy banana muffins in less than half and hour and have a guilt free treat. If you're wondering what's healthier about this recipe, it only has 1 tbs of butter and uses coconut sugar. No oil! According to the Huffington...
Easy Banana Bites
"Jazz up the ordinary curvy yellow fruit and enjoy these no cook easy banana bites !" Bananas are a staple at our house. It's so versatile for recipes, smoothies, and even pancakes. It's probably the easiest fruit to bring along to for a snack! I mean, come on, it's wrapped in its own very convenient...
Blueberry Crisp
As some of you may know my kids and I recently went on a blueberry picking adventure. My toddler loved it, but picked so many! I haven't ventured off into pie making yet so I improvised and made these small blueberry crisps. I didn't have a round baking pie dish so I used ramekins. It's...
Healthy Chocolate Pudding
"A healthy, guilt free dessert with an extra nutritious ingredient!" I'm always looking for healthy alternatives to my childhood favorites. I loved chocolate pudding growing up. Unfortunately, most packaged puddings have lots of sugar and preservatives. While this obviously isn't the real thing, I don't feel bad if my toddler eats it. Plus it's also...