Kids crave variety more than anything, which makes this breakfast brunch board and yogurt dip such a hit! Combined with the wholesome nutrition of Van’s Waffles, you can give your kids a protein-packed breakfast or snack without the unnecessary sugar found in syrups. The best thing about this recipe is how great it is not...
Search Results for: avocado hummus rolls
No Bake Cookie Dough Bites
Well folks, another summer has come to an end, and it looks like I only have thirteen summers left before my kids are adults . . . But who’s counting! Ok, I digress, but seriously, right after summer comes Halloween. It's just around the corner. During this upcoming candy crazy season, I love to give...
Dole Fruit Bowls and Back to School Nutrition
This post is sponsored by Dole Packaged Foods New Year, Same Question The kids are back to school and parents everywhere are mulling over the same annual dilemma: What are some healthy snacks for kids that are quick, convenient and will actually get eaten? Wonder no more, dear readers! Dole Fruit Bowls check all the...
Mummy Halloween Stuffed Mini Peppers
The kids are back to school and settling into their new schedules nicely, there’s a hint of fall in the air and pumpkin spice products of all kinds are on store shelves. All this can mean only one thing—Halloween is near! This Mummy Halloween Stuffed Mini Peppers recipe has it all. It’s the perfect recipe...
School Lunch Box Tips
It’s that time of year again! Are you ready for it? The kids are heading back to school soon, and it won’t be long before they’re asking you what you’re going to make them for lunch. That means we’re once again faced with the age-old dilemma: how do we give our young ones the healthy,...
Baked Rice Cups
I'm always looking for ways to repurpose left over food, especially rice. It's one of those foods that I tend to make too much of. Personally, I have a rice cooker and often times I need to either use or throw it away. I made rice pudding even rice soup, but this is my favorite...
Korean Veggie Patties
So, you've read the title, seen the photo, and perhaps the video too. But you're probably asking yourself what is a Korean pancake? This Korean pancake recipe delightfully combines several vegetables, making for a fun new finger food your kids will love! I've also tried omitting the egg making it a vegan dish. It changes...
Mini Zucchini Pizza Bites
My kids love pizza. Hence why I have a ton of pizza recipe variations! I would have to say it's a universal food because everyone loves pizza. I made this family favorite a little healthier and a little more guilt free. Nevertheless, it's still very tasty. These mini zucchini pizza bites recipe will certainly be...
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BBQ Turkey Zucchini Meatballs
My two-year old goes through shape phases and this week he's really into anything round. Last week it was anything bunny shaped aka cheddar bunnies. On a serious note though, I love making hearty meatballs because I can easily sneak in some veggies in there. These BBQ Turkey Zucchini Meatballs recipe is tasty and delicious...
Rainbow Pasta Salad
Colorful dishes are so much more appetizing. Don't you think so? I'm hoping your kids share the same thoughts. If you're shaking your head saying my kids won't ever eat a bell pepper, you won't ever know until you try. It's all about exposure, continuous exposure. Both my boys including yours truly despise raw tomatoes....
Instant Pot Chicken Rice Bowls
Do you own an Instant Pot yet? It's the ultimate mom life saver. I use it weekly to cook spaghetti in 8 minutes, tender beef stew in half the time and these one pot instant pot chicken rice bowls. If you don't know what it is, it's an all in one pressure cooker that doubles...
Cherry Peach Yogurt Bark
This recipe has such minimal steps I'm not sure I could fill up this blog post. It's seriously that easy. Do you have a favorite yogurt? If you do, then use it. We love so many varieties, so it's not hard to choose, but I would suggest a flavored one. You can also choose...
Super Berry Muffins
It's that time of the year! A time for tasty summer fruits and vegetables. I've recently found some great deals on bulk strawberries at my local grocery store and some days I'm left with too many. Just too many to eat before they go bad. Let's just say I get carried away and buy too...
Fun Inspiration and Travel
It's officially summer. That also means it's summer break and a lot of time with the kids. I wanted to do something fun with my sons since we are home more. I've always wanted to make kinetic sand. I tried a few recipes but failed miserably. I either got sand that was just like wet...
Unicorn Sand Slime
Make this easy unicorn sand slime with the kiddos for a fun easy summer activity! It's officially summer. That also means it's summer break and a lot of time with the kids. I wanted to do something fun with my sons since we are home more. I've always wanted to make kinetic sand. I tried...
Breakfast Burrito Cups
After countless tries of getting my kiddos to eat burritos or tacos without a huge mess to cleanup, I found a solution! These breakfast burrito cups are delicious and makes life so much easier. I don't know about you but every time I make a burrito or taco, ¾ of it ends up on the...
No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
Hope you all are having a wonderful day! I've decided to have some of my favorite bloggers guest post every so often. My goal is to get more recipes to you, so you have more recipe choices for your family! Today Joy of Lunches + Littles is sharing a no-bake mini berry cheesecakes recipe. She shares all sorts...
Crispy Parmesan Chicken with Creamy Lemon Sauce
The lemon tree in my back yard is overflowing with lemons. Problems is, a girl can only make so much lemonade right? This is how this recipe came about, coupled with the rarity of being able to go out with toddlers. Before kids, trying new restaurants was my hobby. It's probably because I loved it...
Quinoa Breakfast Bowl
I'm always looking for fast protein rich breakfast options. When I start my day with a protein filled breakfast I feel full longer. Plus, I don't know about you, but my kids will eat carbs all day if I let them. It's important for me to try to keep their meals balanced. I came up...
Sunshine Egg Pies
Keeping an egg on a piece of toast is never easy with toddlers. One part falls to the ground, the other lands on their head. You feel me? After months of getting my youngest to eat a breakfast sandwich, I threw in the towel. At least for now anyway. No toddlers? Not to worry -...
Hidden Veggie Bunny Popsicles
Tis the season for all things spring. Days are gorgeous and flowers are blooming. It's also getting warm enough for some cold treats, at least in southern California anyway. This hidden veggie strawberry bunny popsicles recipe is a fun and cute way to get vegetables in. How do I get my kids to eat vegetables?...